Hello everybody!! Uff, I have a lot of days without stop by here ... First, I thank you for having interest in me. Quiet, I'm great, what happens is that last week I had a little liadilla and also has my Hermanillos to visit and as you understand, I have spent much time as possible with him.
On the other hand, while not issuing any tickets to any work of mine, I have to say that if I have been active, what happens is that I could not post because I made a few contests and until it has been the date of delivery, have had "stash."
Well, here's the first: it is a challenge proposed by the Scrap Passion where he had to make a "cube" with CD's. I really liked doing this project, although I must say that I was a bit blocked, especially with the photos that would make ... But then came the inspiration! And here is the result
As you see, is very sencillito, has hardly any decoration as the same paper used for decorating yourself. I just put some stickers and I have outlined with a glitter pen some parts of the paper (but does not look good in photos). For the base, I have some tapes with slides of notions, some dyed fuchsia raffia and tiny tweezers.
My mother loved it because it has been one of his gifts. Utility has already sought .... Well, as always, I expect your comments I love to read. Soon and a kiss.
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