Sunday, June 21, 2009

Presario F700 Wireless Orange Light

What a waste,

your head in the wreckage

without a face I saw a picture,

a still life!

What a waste,

father without children

column cut of a book without letters

neck without blood, pain rotten

decomposition without color!

What a dream without a day!

Night arrested

water that cleanses the breast board

not collect more than dead!

Oh vacuum
to oppress

oh, father you do not exist

oh, broken column

Division Multiplication

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tila Tequila's Belly Ring

Day Where are you? Persistent Painless

Where have you drawn this time? On what breast
now your soul,
your infinite love, your flesh torn

've already found a warm hollow where shelter
beat your strange plot?

qué lugar se juntan
y se transforman en uno?

¿Cuál es la palabra que acurruca
a una soledad y su sombra?

¿Será que pasó el tiempo
y de tu mano ya no me llegarán
el calor ni la mirada ilusionada?

Rey de las imágenes
¿en qué cielo brillan hoy
tus pócimas encantadas?